Over 25 years of supporting our clients to achieve program success​
Safe and Successful Olympic Games
National Security Capabilities Developed and Fully Operational
Games Security Experience
Olympic Games Advisors, Senior Appointments, Operational Accountability, Major Contracts
Sydney 2000, Salt Lake 2002, Athens 2004, WAG 2005, Doha AG 2006, Torino 2006, Beijing 2008, Vancouver 2010, Cricket World Cup 2015, Rio 2016, Pyeong Chang 2018, Tokyo 2020, Beijing 2022, Paris 2024, MiCo 2026, LA 2028, Brisbane 2032
​​Winning strategies from past Games:
Integrated Olympic Security (IOS) – The planned collaboration of many stakeholders (at all levels) ensured the IOS Policies, Plans, Procedures & Procurements (P4) were tailored for the Host City and appropriately designed to enhance operational efficiencies and outcomes.
Optimised Planning, Integration & Delivery – Well before each Milestone was due, the OCOG Security Team developed first drafts of each IOS P4 for the review, modification, and approval by key stakeholders (other OCOG FAs and State Security).
Continuity throughout Planning & Operations – Every IOS-P4 has important interdependencies with other IOS-P4, and most have multiple interdependencies across many FAs and Stakeholders. Accordingly, the early analysis and development of key IOS-P4 was proven to enhance the planning continuity and efficiencies throughout, while also reducing Security costs and risks (planning & delivery).
Sustainability, Legacy & Optimisation outcomes achieved. Early planning with deliberate consideration was essential for these opportunities to be identified and capitalised.

Games Services
Tailored to support each Host City - Professional Services to efficiently plan and deliver safe and successful Games, while maximising Host City initiatives for Optimisation, Sustainability & Legacy
Dedicated Staff to each Host City – Our Teams will deliver short or long-term support as required by our Clients. This may include a one-time engagement to produce key Milestones or the full-time engagement of a Team responsible for all stages of IOS planning and delivery (IOS Milestones, IOC Master Schedule, P4s and other deliverables unique to the Games model of the Host City).
IOS - Planning & Delivery Services / Advisory
Professionally developed IOS knowledge, products, lessons, and winning strategies over 25 years:
Planning Tools & Products – To assist with the efficient development of IOS P4s
Intuitive ‘roadmaps’ - Security can view the planning Milestones using an intuitive ‘road map’ (tailored for each Host City) that also aligns IOS Planning with IOC Milestones
Knowledge Transfer Program – Dedicated workshops for Security to assist them to confidently deliver IOS Milestones on time and to the highest standards
IOC Master Schedule – IOC Milestones are delivered professionally and on-time
Winning strategies – Security can avoid costly mistakes or “reinventing the wheel”, while capitalising on strategies to enhance operational effectiveness and efficiencies
Security Procurements – Key strategies to save costs (20-50% costs saved by past OCOGs)
Reducing costs & complexity – Proven strategies to create maximum efficiencies for planning, procurements, operational readiness & Games deployments, while ensuring risks are mitigated and operational effectiveness is appropriate, scalable, and reliable
International Confidence – Key initiatives and products for NOCs and foreign security Workshops / Briefings on Olympic Security
Client confidentiality assured – Sensitive information will be strictly protected, and we only refer to ‘situations’ from past Games in a generic manner, with details of the specific Host City never disclosed

Development of National Security Capabilities & Resilience
The development of an effective and resilient National Security ‘capability’ is derived from intelligence and threat analysis, while incorporating the integration of People, Organizational Structures, Systems, Training, Equipment and Doctrine. Successful acquisition programs require all components to be considered at the start of the capability development process, integrated throughout and optimised.
Boartes has a proven history of successfully developing large-scale, complex and time-critical capabilities for Clients responsible for National Security and Resilience. Boartes uses a robust program management framework to plan, manage, monitor and report on the progress of each project, thereby mitigating planning and delivery risks.
Our Team combines their proven experience and knowledge of the security environment, security technologies, complex procurements, and program management to ensure National Security Capabilities are effective, resilient and contribute toward the operational outcomes of other capabilities.

Our Promise
Client benefits exceed cost of services: Our specific advice and services have created tangible cost savings and benefits that exceeded our fees.
100% independent: Boartes Consulting maintains the highest standards in business ethics and project governance, ensuring Clients may confidently follow our advice without fear of ‘conflict’ or bias.
Working behind the scenes: Our team works in the background and is solely focussed on the success of Host City Security planners & their mission: Safe and cost-effective Games.
Client confidentiality assured: Sensitive information will be strictly protected. We only refer to ‘situations’ from past Games in a generic manner, with details of the specific Host City deleted and not discussed.
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Veteran owned and operated